Vacancy |
Closing Date |
Job Description |
Person Specification |
Further Information |
Exam Invigilator | 9am Monday 24 March 2025 |
Click Here | Click Here | |
House Tutor | 9am Thursday 27 March 2025 |
Click Here |
Please email your application to Mrs Patricia Hargraves, PA to Headmaster, at
The application form can be downloaded here as a pdf file.
A Word version of the application form can be downloaded here.
Safeguarding. RGS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment. The successful candidate will be required to undertake an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service criminal records check. All staff will receive safeguarding training at induction and throughout their employment at RGS.
Equal Opportunities. RGS is committed to the principle of equality in employment. The application form requests additional information on gender, marital status, ethnicity and any disabilities. This information will be used for the purpose of equality monitoring only and will not be used during the selection process.
Flexible working. The job advert will include details of any flexible working arrangements that may be considered including part-time, term-time only, working from home and job-share.
Shortlisting. Shortlisting of candidates will be against the Job Description and the Person Specification. Particular attention will be paid to unexplained gaps in employment history
References. Candidates will be asked to provide two references; one of whom must be the current or most recent employer. The school will contact referees for all candidates invited to interview. The questions asked will include the candidate’s suitability to work with children. No relative may act as a referee.
Interviews. All interviews will be conducted by a minimum of two people and at least one of these will have a Safer Recruitment certificate. Interviews for teaching posts will include students and candidates will be asked to teach a lesson. For some posts, candidates may be asked to undertake tasks to help demonstrate particular skills.
Interested in training to become a teacher? Click here for more information or email