Joining the sixth form at Ripon Grammar School gives students the opportunity to develop as successful independent learners within a supportive school environment.
The Sixth Form Team oversees the transition from Key Stage 4 to the sixth form, with a comprehensive induction programme provided for students prior to entering sixth form.
In the sixth form students are prepared for their next step, whether that is going to university or into the world of work, and taught and supported by dedicated and inspirational staff helping them to achieve outstanding academic results.
"It's the staff who make RGS so special," says sixth former Phoebe, who talks here about how staff encouraged her to dig deeper:
Academic success is the cornerstone of Ripon Grammar’s sixth form experience. In an increasingly challenging and competitive world, the academic qualifications our sixth form students achieve are both necessary and valuable. However, life in the sixth form offers so much more: an abundance of extra-curricular activities, opportunities and a fun, caring and vibrant community that help form well-rounded students.
All students will participate in an academic enrichment programme, including the option to engage in the independent study of the AQA Extended Project Qualification (EPQ). Students are given advice and guidance about the range of academic enrichment opportunities available. We also encourage sixth form students to participate in the wider life of the school by getting involved in the many extra-curricular activities on offer and to take on some leadership responsibility to help with the supervision of younger pupils.
Alongside their A Level studies, those students studying 3 A Levels will participate in our 'Plus One' programme, co-curricular and super-curricular activities.
The Sixth Form Team provides a high level of pastoral support to students throughout their time in the sixth form, whether this is for personal issues or academic guidance and students are encourage to talk to any member of the team whenever they feel they need assistance.
Central to the support structure for our sixth form is the role of form tutors, with students are divided into tutor groups, registering with their form tutors twice daily. In addition to the important support and guidance provided by these tutors, some students will be offered an additional mentor with whom they will have opportunities to meet to discuss their progress.
Wednesday afternoons - Co-curricular Enrichment
This session offers the opportunity to take a break from studies and to engage in co-curricular and recreational activities; ranging from sport, music, art, dance, Young Enterprise and Prince's Trust. There is also the opportunity to volunteer in the local community, particularly useful for students considering a career in medicine, teaching or veterinary medicine. However, this is open to all students and is a rewarding way to meet new people, learn new skills and work with the local community.
Friday morning -Academic & Personal Enrichment
This session is given over to a more academic focus when we arrange a wide programme of presentations and speakers on topics relevant to the students and their Post 18 choices. Topics will include information on universities, study abroad, gap years, year in industry and apprenticeships with presentations on driving awareness, sexual health, assertiveness and dealing effectively with pressure.
Sixth form students play a vital role in the school, and wider, community and are encouraged to take an active role in the running of the school, the annual charity week and school events.
Wednesday afternoons
These sessions comprise of student led societies covering a wide range of topics such as dentistry, medicine, PPE, Geography, Art, Drama, Eco, Law, Architecture and Astronomy. Students are encouraged to set up a society that covers a topic that interests them.
Film club
Climbing wall
Equality society
Healthcare society
Law society
Trading club
Psychology society
Mock Bar Trial team
Veterinary society
Young Enterprise team