The school has recently received the report from the latest Ofsted inspection.
The school received an overall rating of 'Good' and Sixth Form provision was rated 'Outstanding'.
The report contains this comment regarding the sixth form -
'In the sixth form, the curriculum encourages all students to aim high, such as through the ‘plus one’ programme of additional courses to support access to ambitious post-18 destinations.'
See extracts below from the latest Ofsted inspection, 2023.
The curriculum for developing pupils' personal development, including extra-curricular provision, is broad and varied. Pupils have extensive opportunities to enjoy sporting and musical activities. In the sixth form, there is a well-planned programme of careers support. 'Student officer' roles are clearly defined and help develop leadership qualities.
Leaders have high expectations of their pupils and have built a suitably ambitious curriculum. Across the school, teachers have a strong understanding of their subject. They teach challenging content with skill. Assessment is used effectively to monitor how well pupils are doing. Pupils answer teachers' questions with considered responses, drawing on a wide subject-specific vocabulary to do so. This enables them to think deeply and with accuracy about often complex subject matter. As a result of such teaching over time, in the sixth form, students engage with demanding curriculum content with a spirit of intellectual enquiry.
Leaders, staff, pupils and parents are proud of Ripon Grammar School - its history, its traditions and its achievements. Leaders are ambitious for pupils, both academically and for their wider personal development as young people and future citizens. Pupils rise to this challenge. They achieve very highly in their GCSE and A level examinations. Across the school, and particularly in the sixth form, teachers challenge pupils and students to stretch themselves academically and to take risks in their learning.