Reminder about operational protocols concerning site safety and security
Spectators at Sports fixtures
Parents are very welcome to attend sports matches at RGS but are reminded that during the school day they must sign in first at Reception in order to comply with our security and safeguarding procedures.
When on site, spectators must wear a lanyard, go straight to the relevant pitch – astro/rugby/cricket/3G – and remain at a safe distance at the side of the sports pitch and be in view of the PE staff. Spectators must not enter any buildings other than the Reception.
Parents wishing to view indoor sports events e.g. sports hall or swimming pool, must be accompanied by a member of staff at all times. This cannot always be guaranteed and should be arranged in advance.
Dropping off/collecting students from school
Parents wishing to drop off or collect students from school by car should use the one-way system in the Outwood coach park. Students are able to walk off the school’s grounds to be collected.
Students with mobility issues can be dropped off or collected using the disabled parking bays in the school car park.
Parents of boarders may come on to the school site to drop off/collect students and are requested to wait until after 16:15 to drive onto the site to collect their sons/daughters in order to allow pedestrians to depart safely.
There have been unconfirmed reports from our neighbours on Clotherholme Road of parents’ cars using their driveways to turn. They have requested that this stops.