Dear Parent/ Carer,
Every child has been offered a box of lateral flow tests to take home with them today. Additional test kits are available from any chemist.
Please can I ask that you encourage regular testing throughout the Christmas break and that your child completes a test the night before they are due to come back to school or on the morning of their return. This should help in our fight against Covid 19.
I have included the link to our online test result reporting form. Please can you enter these results following the test and staff will be checking these on Wednesday 5th January.
Fill | Ripon Grammar School: Home Testing for Covid-19, Record of Results: January 2022Please complete all the required questions each time you complete a home test for |
Thank you in advance for your continued support and may I wish you all a happy and restful Christmas,
Best wishes,
Mrs Keelan-Edwards
Deputy Headteacher