Dear Parents
We have an exciting virtual Higher Education Fair planned for students and parents, which will be taking place from 6 to 8pm on Tuesday 8th March. You may remember that we ran this event for the first time last year, in a virtual format using the NOVVA platform, which proved to be a highly successful event. We hope you will join us this year for another evening when you will be able to talk to representatives from universities from around the UK and abroad - we currently have fifteen participants with more expected to join us before the event takes place.
This is an excellent opportunity to hear from universities about the many diverse courses on offer, to ask questions and to be able to access their prospectuses and other information - all from the comfort of your homes! Please register using the link below as soon as possible in order to attend this forthcoming event on the 8th March.
We are also holding a Careers Evening in school on the evening of 6th April, when again students and parents will be able to meet with upwards of 50 employers and discuss with them the various pathways into their areas of work and opportunities for work experience, apprenticeships and employment. Further details for this will follow after half-term.
We really hope your son or daughter will embrace these opportunities and register now to join us for the NOVVA event and to speak to the universities!
Many thanks,
Mrs Locke and Mr Walker
Careers Department