Victorious rugby captain scores top grades

A VICTORIOUS rugby team captain is celebrating scoring top grades in his A-levels.

Ripon Grammar School student Will Jarvis, who led his U18 school team to success when they won the Yorkshire Cup earlier this year, will now study medicine at the University of Edinburgh.

The 18-year-old, from Roecliffe, achieved three A*s in biology, chemistry and geography and an A in maths, in addition to an A* in his extended project qualification.

“Prior to getting my results this morning, it was very much a case of all or nothing with regards to the grades and my offer.

“The exams were difficult, but I was emotional and overwhelmed when I opened the envelope this morning. I can’t wait to begin studying medicine and open a new chapter.”

He added: “I loved every minute of my time at RGS, the hard work would be for nothing if it wasn't for the immense investment and support from all my teachers, both academic and pastoral.

“They believed in me throughout and I am incredibly grateful for their support.”

He explained how he juggled his passion for sport alongside his studies and a part-time job at Grantley Hall hotel: “Applying for medicine is also a long drawn out process involving several extra tests, work experience and interviews.

“I came to realise what was important in the moment – whether it was looking after myself by playing sport or studying, it’s all a fine balance.”

Will, whose grandparents are farmers, is currently working on a large arable farm in Lincolnshire before heading to university.