Top athlete Archie wins a clutch of A*s

A TOP level athlete has juggled his sporting commitments alongside studies to win a clutch of A*s at A-level.

Triathlete Archie Bordewich achieved a clean sweep of top grades in maths, chemistry and biology, in addition to an A grade in further maths at AS level.

He will now take up a place to study medicine at the University of Exeter.

The 18-year-old, from Burton Leonard, has competed in triathlete at national level, finishing the 2023 season in the top thirty nationally.

He spent around 15 hours a week training in running, swimming and cycling, in addition to working as a barman one evening a week at the Ripon Inn.

The keen rugby player was also a member of RGS’s victorious Yorkshire Cup winning squad earlier this year.

On holiday in Canada on results day, he learned of his grades in a phone call with his parents, who collected them on his behalf.

“I’m obviously extremely pleased with the results as well as a little relieved,” he said.

“Applying to study medicine has been a long haul with tests and interviews. It’s all been pretty stressful and I’m so glad it’s worked out.

“I’m now looking forward to starting the next stage and moving south for a bit.

“I really enjoyed my seven years at RGS and will leave with a great group of friends who I look forward to seeing again at the Old Riponians’ rugby game this Christmas.”