Llew wins coveted organ scholarship

A GIFTED Ripon Grammar School musician has won a coveted scholarship at St David’s Cathedral in Wales.

Llew Blezard-Greenwell, 17, beat off strong competition to be awarded an organ scholarship in Britain’s smallest city, where he will play at cathedral services.

Taking A-levels in music, physics and maths, Llew plans to study organ performance at a conservatoire after St David’s and hopes to work as a director of cathedral music one day.

The salaried St David’s scholarship will allow him unlimited access to the cathedral’s instruments, providing him with fantastic opportunities to develop and consolidate his skills, along with free accommodation.

His audition involved a written application followed by a formal interview with the entire music department and a testing musical audition.

He is also the first sixth form organ scholar at Ripon Cathedral, where he plays at services, in addition to receiving a top-class musical education.

Having been a keen piano player from the age of four, Llew first got the chance to play the organ at ten years old after answering a local parish church newspaper advert for an organist apprentice.

Llew, who sings in the RGS chamber and male choirs, has since achieved his Grade 8 in piano and will take his Grade 8 in harp and organ this year.

“I have been privileged to play concerts and recitals in some incredible venues such as Lichen Basilica in Poland, Confolens Parish Church in France and also closer to home in places such as Halifax Minster.”