Latest news from Friends of RGS

FRIENDS of RGS continue to support our students in a wide range of areas, both big and small. 

Our Friday lunchtime Jigsaw Puzzle Club members are enjoying using their new Portapuzzle boards, thanks to FRGS fundraising, which means they can easily transport and store away their puzzles and pick up where they left off next week.

FRGS continues its fundraising drive, with popular upcoming events including our Bingo Night on October 18 and our 1555 Ball on November 16, aimed at raising money to contribute towards further IT development within school. 

Buy your tickets for the ball, which was a huge success last year, here before it's too late!

We are seeking a pre-dinner drinks sponsor  - if you think you can help, please email We would also be very grateful for auction prizes and hamper prizes - which can be left in school reception - to be auctioned on the night of the ball.

Our exciting raffle, which boasts an amazing experience bundle as first prize, will also be drawn at the ball. 

Packs of tickets have been sent home with students and the form and tutor who sell the most will be treated to Domino's pizzas and ice cream with an early lunch pass. Please hand completed counterfoils with tutor group listed with cash or cheque (made payable to Friends of Ripon Grammar School) to reception and return any unused tickets.

200 CLUB

What can you get for just £1.25 these days? Not a lot! You could however, for just £1.25 per month, be a member of the exclusive FRGS 200 Club and be in with a chance each and every month of winning a £50 first prize or £25 second prize. Nearly £900 is given away in prizes every year. Discover how you can join the club here


Below is a link to Easyfundraising. Please note that if you register for this with major retailers, such as Amazon, and select ‘Friends of Ripon Grammar School’ as the cause you wish to support, then FRGS will receive a donation. Thank you in advance.

Fundraising | Charity Fundraising Online | You Spend Online, Brands Donate | Easyfundraising