FRIENDS of RGS: Latest news


The entire fundraising project for the 1555 Ball including ticket sales, donations, raffle, auction and silent auction raised £9,500 for the school to go towards IT development. A fabulous achievement and FRGS would like to thank everyone who supported and contributed in some way to achieving this phenomenal donation for the benefit of students and staff at RGS.

For selling the most raffle tickets, it was a close competition between Year 7 pupils, with 1B winning the prize for pizzas and ice cream. The date for the lunchtime treat will be announced shortly.

Burns Night

Tickets for the event, on Saturday, January 25, will be released at the beginning of December. Tickets are priced at £40 a person and include a three-course traditional supper with live band, speeches and Scottish dancing. Tables of eight will be available to book or tickets can be booked separately. Numbers for this are limited, so look out for the Bromcom and book quickly to avoid disappointment, we are expecting a sell-out for this event.

Please note that FRGS are asking for kind donations of mince pies and mulled wine to be brought into school and left in reception before Friday,  December 13, ahead of the Cathedral  Carol Concert on Tuesday, December 17.