Safeguarding Bulletins
New - Spring Term 1 2025
Academic year 22/23
Autumn Term 2 Parent Bulletin 2023
Autumn Term 1 Parent Bulletin 2023
Summer 2 2023 Safeguarding Bulletin
Summer 1 2023 Safeguarding Bulletin
Spring 2 2023 Safeguarding Bulletin
Spring 1 2023 Safeguarding Bulletin
Autumn 2 2022 Safeguarding Bulletin
At Ripon Grammar School we recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguarding and promote the welfare of all students. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse; neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support and protection. We adopt a whole school approach to safeguarding and this is achieved through our policies and processes in order to operate with the best interests of the child at heart. We encourage all staff to use their professional curiosity and to always be critical with what they see and hear.
Ripon Grammar School adopts the safeguarding definition used by Ofsted derived from The Children Act, 2004:
Ripon Grammar School adopts the annually updated North Yorkshire Child Protection Policy, which outlines key information and procedures for staff, parents/carers and students. This policy is available in the policies section of our website. All school staff undertake annual training with regard to best practice and safeguarding updates that are disseminated from a national level to ensure they have the necessary knowledge and skills to fulfil their responsibilities. Staff receive regular updates via half termly bulletins. Staff are also trained to recognise signs of radicalisation through the Prevent Strategy. All staff are trained in how to recognise and report safeguarding concerns. The safeguarding team always respond to concerns, swiftly, rigorously and robustly.
All students are fully aware of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and the Deputy DSL via assemblies, tutor updates and the PSHCE programme links to this with age-appropriate content delivered.
The school takes a zero-tolerance approach to all reported incidents of child on child abuse, sexual violence and/or sexual harassment. We have a robust procedure which staff use to raise safeguarding concerns and we foster positive working relationships with parents and carers to ensure pupils receive the appropriate support as soon as they need it.
We invest in listening to the views of all of our students. All students are periodically invited to complete a whole-school survey which explores their views on a wide range of issues pertaining to school and their safety, mental health and emotional well-being. The feedback from the student body is used to inform our safeguarding curriculum.
Half termly safeguarding Bulletin to parents/guardians
Parents and guardians receive a half termly bulletin which focuses on issues impacting on young people. The safeguarding bulletin provides information and guidance to support parents and guardians so they can have conversations with their child regarding a wide range of safeguarding issues.
Resources from other agencies are available through the website.
The National College Top tips for helping those experiencing bullying can be found here.
North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NYSCP)
Ripon Grammar works closely with colleagues at North Yorkshire to ensure the safety and well-being of our students. We encourage parents/guardians to access the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children website, which provides advice and guidance to parents and carers on a variety of subjects.
Contacting school if you have a concern
The Designated Safeguarding Lead and the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead contact are available to students and parents/guardians. If you have a concern please do not hesitate to contact the school safeguarding team
The Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead staff can also be contacted directly.
Designated Safeguarding Lead [DSL]: DSL: Mrs Keelan-Edwards 01765 602647 ext:260
Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Caroline Day 01765 602647 ext: 245
Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Mr Terry Fell 01765 602647 ext: 244
Deputy Safeguarding Lead: Mrs Emma Hewison 01765 602647 ext 398
During periods of school closure, such as school holidays, you should contact North Yorkshire County Council whose details are given below.
If you are worried about a child or a young person under the age of 18, you should contact the Children and Young People’s Service. If your concern is outside of normal office hours, you should contact the emergency duty team.
During Office Hours
By Phone: 01609 780780
Email: children&
Outside Office Hours
Emergency Duty Team (for evenings, weekends and bank holidays): 01609 780780
A guide and information on staying safe on the Internet can be found here. (
We have a series of posters available on related topics can be found here.
This includes posters on topics such as these -